Financial and Environmental Impact of a Poorly Maintained Air Conditioning System

As per “Green Building Regulations and Specifications Practice Guide – Dubai 2011” Ventilation and air conditioning equipment in UAE’s buildings has been shown to account for up to 60% of the total energy consumed in buildings.

“U.S. Dept. of Energy” study says that by switching to high-efficiency air conditioners and taking other actions to keep your home cool, you could reduce your energy use by 20% to 50%. You can reduce air conditioning energy use by 20-50 percent by switching to high-efficiency air conditioners and taking other actions to lower your home cooling costs (see energy calculation sheet for savings)

In most modern residential and commercial buildings, air conditioning (AC) is essential for creating a comfortable environment. But if you want to minimise your costs and carbon footprint it’s vital to keep your system in good working order. Here are some of the top reasons why.

Reduced Efficiency: A poorly maintained system will tend to be much less efficient than it should be. Blocked filters, dirty condenser coils, and leaky ducting all mean your AC will have to work that bit harder to achieve the same temperature. And when your system is working harder that means it’s using more electricity, which is bad for your energy bills and the environment.

Cheaper to Maintain than Repair: Most maintenance issues are relatively minor. Cleaning a dirty coil or blocked filter is not particularly expensive or time-consuming. But the longer you leave these little problems unattended, the more strain it’s putting on your whole climate control system. Ultimately, this can lead to parts breaking and that’s where things start getting expensive, fast.

Gas Leaks: Most air conditioning systems rely on refrigerant gases such as perfluorocarbons (FCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) for cooling. Modern systems tend to have welded joints, reducing the risk of gas leaking out, but older systems are often bolted together. This means joints can come loose over time allowing the refrigerant to escape.

This is a serious problem for three reasons:

  1. First, your AC will run much less efficiently if its refrigerant levels are low, thus requiring more power to achieve the same results.

  2. Second, refrigerant gases can be highly toxic and are often powerful greenhouse gases, meaning they can be dangerous as well as environmentally irresponsible to allow them to be released into the atmosphere.

  3. Finally, the refrigerant is responsible for keeping the compressor cool and, if you allow your gas levels to drop, the compressor can end up overheating and breaking down. You’ll then be landed with a really major expense that could have been easily avoided.

Secondary Costs: It’s also worth thinking about the knock-on effects poorly maintained air conditioning can have. A malfunctioning system will often produce condensation which can cause damage to walls, ceilings, and carpets. You may also notice a decrease in your employees’ productivity if you can’t keep your office at a comfortable temperature. Finally, a faulty AC system can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, causing a potential health hazard to everyone in the building.

Air Conditioning Maintenance and Service: Basit experienced air conditioning engineers are experts in providing all your maintenance and servicing needs. Whether you’re taking advantage of our scheduled maintenance contracts or need a one-off repair, we’ve got the expertise you need.

It doesn’t matter who manufactured and installed your air conditioning system – if it needs repairs then Basit can help. If you know what the problem is then we can provide a straightforward repair service, or we can diagnose faults in the system and recommend a course of action.

Tips for Lowering Your Cooling Costs:

(01) Install and set a programmable thermostat -- it could help you save up to 10 percent on heating and cooling costs a year.

(02) Use a fan. Ceiling fans will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4 degrees without impacting your comfort.

(03) Insulate your attic and walls, and seal cracks and openings to prevent warm air from leaking into your home.

(04) Insulate and seal ducts -- air loss through ducts accounts for about 30 percent of a cooling system’s energy consumption.

(05) Don’t heat your home with appliances. On hot days, consider using an outdoor grill instead of your oven.

(06) Install energy-efficient window coverings that let natural light in and prevent solar heat gain.

(07) Buy an ENERGY STAR-qualified AC unit -- on average, they're up to 15 percent more efficient than standard models. If you live in a cooler climate, take advantage of the wind to naturally cool your home.

(08) Turn off your fans when you leave the room -- fans cool people, not rooms.

(09) Use the bathroom fan when taking a shower or bath and a range hood when cooking -- this helps remove heat and humidity from your home.

(10) In many climates, a whole-house fan can provide cooling needs even on the hottest days.


Ventilation is the least expensive and most energy-efficient way to cool a home.

Natural Ventilation:

Natural ventilation relies on the wind to create a “chimney effect” to cool a home. A simple natural ventilation strategy is opening windows to create a cross-wise breeze.


Fans circulate air in a room, creating a wind-chill effect that makes occupants more comfortable. Fans for cooling come in a variety of options, including ceiling, table, floor, and wall-mounted.

Whole House Fans:

Whole house fans pull air in through windows and exhaust it through a home’s attic and roof. To ensure proper sizing and safety, professionals should install whole-house fans.


For air conditioning, electircal and plumbing services, please contact us. Happiness guaranteed!

Unit No. 32, British Property, DIP - 1, Dubai, UAE

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